Sid received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from The Ohio State University (OSU) in 2009 and 2013, respectively.
From 2005-2008, he was a member of the on-board electronics team for India’s first student-built microsatellite, the ANUSAT, focusing on the design and integration of RF subsystems that were deployed in space in April 2009. From 2008-09, he was affiliated with the Analog VLSI Lab, working on low-power circuits for medical SoCs. From 2009-2013, he has been with the ElectroScience Laboratory Complex at OSU, working on high-speed data conversion, mm-wave circuits, beamforming systems, and many more. In the Fall of 2010, he briefly worked at Xtendwave, a Dallas-based startup, to develop a backward-compatible modulation scheme for WWVB systems, which is currently the broadcast standard for time in the United States of America. From 2013 to 2016, he was with Texas Instruments, developing high-speed RF data converters for the wireless infrastructure and industrial space markets.
Dr. Balasubramanian serves as an adjunct faculty in the EE department of the University of North Texas, and is currently the vice-chair of the Dallas chapter of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He has several patents pending, and has authored several publications, including a book chapter on the advances in digital-to-analog converters.
He was the recipient of The Ohio State University Fellowship (2008), TSMC Outstanding Student Research Award (2010), IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Travel Grant Award (2011), National Science Foundation MIPR Fellowship (2011), Outstanding Journal Article of ElectroScience Lab (2012), and the Wireless Innovation Forum Best Paper Award (2013).